Schedule an Appointment with WorkSource Staff
To complete the Welcome Process or speak with a WorkSource representative, please call: 503-280-6046 option 8.
Fulfilling Unemployment Insurance Requirements
While WorkSource does not handle Unemployment benefits claims, many people who receive Unemployment are required to complete a meeting with WorkSource staff in order to remain eligible for benefits. This requirement (to meet 1-on-1 with a staff person) was waived for most people during the pandemic, but as of July it will be reinstated for many claimants. If you received a letter stating that you must complete the “Welcome Process,” you can schedule that appointment with any of our WorkSource staff and be in compliance with your unemployment insurance requirements by calling the number above.
- Explore job options
- Start or change a career
- Advance in your career
- Prepare for the job you want
- Learn about the local job market
- Learn about job training programs
- Access WorkSource Portland Metro Eligible Training List
- Brush up on job search basics
- Learn new search skills
- Find ways to stay motivated
- TALENT LINK - Get noticed, get hired
- Entry-level job candidates
- Experienced workers
- Job seekers changing careers
My WorkSource allows users to manage a portfolio of employment related tools and activities. Explore this website and take advantage of a variety of online resources and interactive tools, and learn how WorkSource can help you.
- View and sign-up for workshops to improve your skills.
- Explore your employment and career goals.
- Access online learning tools.
- Access tools to improve and save your resumes and cover letters.
- Search for jobs and maintain a job application log in your portfolio.
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